Ajwain flavored wheat flour bread


•Sieved wheat flour……………………….2 C
•Ajwain seeds………………………………2 Tsp
•Melted ghee or oil……………………….3 Tbsp
•Warm water
•(or as needed, adjust accordingly)….½ C
•Sieved wheat flour for dusting
•Approximately ½ C of
•melted ghee or
•oil for cooking
1)Mix the flour, salt and ajwain seeds in a bowl. Drizzle in themelted ghee or oil and rub it with the fingertips until the   mixtureresembles coarse oatmeal. Add the water and quickly gathering the mixture,form a smooth, non sticky dough. Cover and rest the dough for ½ -2hours.2)Divide the dough in 10 parts and roll them into balls.

3)Slightly flatten a ball, using the rolling pin, roll the ballinto a round of 6 nches in diameter, dipping it in the dusting flour as required, tokeep it from sticking to the work surface. With a pastry brush orfingertips, brush the top of the round with ghee or oil, and then fold it inhalf. Now, brush the top of this half-circle with ghee oil, and fold itin a quartercircle. Dipping with dusting flour from time to time, roll it into atriangle 6-inches on a side. Repeat for all other breads and keep it over agreased
surface without touching each other and covered with a dampcloth.
4)Preheat a griddle over moderate heat, spray the surface withlittle ghee/oil, and transfer the bread. When the top surface of the bread showsbubbles, turn it over & cook on reverse side. Now, sprinkle some ghee/oilover the top of the bread & cook for 30-40 seconds. Turn again and drizzle oilon this surface too. Press the bread using the back of a flat spoon. The bread isdone when both sides show reddish-brown spots. Repeat for all the remaining breads.
10 parathas

By Anand Lila Devi Dasi


Author: ISKCON Desire Tree

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