Cream with its smooth velvety richness is the ultimate indulgence food. It is the basis or the crowning glory of innumerable desserts, cakes and adds richness and depth to creamy stews and pasta dishes. Recipes made using Cream ...
Corn Flour
Cornflour is the finely powdered white starch extracted from maize kernels, which are soaked and ground to separate the germ from the bran. It is virtually tasteless and is used as a thickening agent. It cuts down the need for fat as unlike other flours, it blends to a smooth cream with liquid. Recipes made using Corn flour ...
The cranberry belongs to the same genes of blueberry. It appears like a glossy, deep red, very tart fruit. Cranberry is also Known as "bounceberries". It has a tart tangy flavor. Fresh ripe cranberry can be stored in the refrigerator for 20 days. It protects the mouth and gums deseases and also decreases the risk of stomach ulcer and colon cancer. Recipes made using Cranberry ...
Mixed Beans
Beans belongs to frugal food. Mixed Beans Consist of Brown, Red, Green, White, Orange or Black dry beans. They are rich in protein and vitamins and has a versatile uses. Mixed Beans should be kept in a tightly sealed glass container. Recipes made using Mixed Bean ...
Coriander including the leaves, the seeds and roots. The plant has small white or pink flowers. It attains an average height of 2 ft. Cilantro is used as a garnish in Food. Cilantro leaves have pungent smell. The leaves are always used fresh. Cilantro is considered an aid to the digestive system. Cilantro are rich in vitamin C. Recipes made using Coriander ...
Cloves are the dried flower buds of an evergreen tree. Cloves are a versatile spice that can be used in drinks and in both sweet and savoury dishes. Cloves should be kept in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark and dry place. you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator. Recipes made using Cloves ...