Bell pepper
Bell pepper, also known as sweet pepper or capsicum.They have straight, woody stems and single, star-shaped, white flowers in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are followed by juiceless berries or pods, which vary in shape and size. They are green at first and change to red, yellow or purple. They contain many flat, kidney-shaped, white seeds, which are very hot tasting.Hundreds of hot chilli pepper varieties is known as...
Amchur powder
Amchur is an Indian spice made from the Pulp of dried green mangos. It preserves the acidic, tart, and slightly spicy flavor of unripe mangos to be use in curries and other dishes.Amchur has a sour, sweetish taste just like the raw mango. It preserve the taste of raw mango though it is dried.This powder adds tangy and sour taste to the dishes without adding moisture hence, is extensively used much like lemon. It is especially...
Aniseed powder
Ani seed powder has a sweet licorice-like taste.It is also known as Vilayati Saunf powder.The powder derived from crushing and powdering aniseeds. Powdered aniseed is used to flavour confectionary, breads and cakes, vegetables, stewed fruits, cheese dishes etc. Ani seeds are known for their ability to reduce flatulence and to settle the digestion. Store the powder in an air-tight container in a cool dry place, away from humidity....
Bengal gram
Bengal gram is widely appreciated as health food.It is a protein-rich supplement to cereal-based diets, especially to the poor in developing countries, where people are vegetarians or cannot afford animal protein. It offers the most practical means of eradicating protein malnutrition among vegetarian children and nursing mothers. It has a very important role in human diet in our country.Chana dal, also known as Bengal gram....
The avocado is the fruit of the Persea Americana tree, which is native to the subtropical regions of the American continent. It has green, buttery flesh and a large central stone. Avocados are very high in both protein and oil. The avocado has the highest protein and oil content of any fruit. In fact, this soft-fleshed fruit can contain up to 30 percent fat. Don't let the high fat content put you off, though; avocados...
The ripe coconut looks like hard brown “stone”. This brown shell has three eyes at one end. Inside is a further thin brown coat called the testa: the creamy-white flesh of the coconut which is attached to it. The middle of a coconut is hollow and filled with a sweet liquid known as coconut juice or coconut water. The testa of a coconut hardens as the coconut ripens. Recipes made using Coconut ...