Cauliflower Tomato Subji with Fresh Basil Leaves

Cauliflower Tomato Subji with Fresh Basil Leaves


• A handful or two of fresh basil leaves, whole with large stems removed
• About 12 plum tomatoes, blended
• Cauliflower, cut into bite size pieces – 1 large 
• Carrot, chopped – 1 large 
• Ghee – 4-5 tbsp
• Hing – 1/4 tsp
• Coriander powder – 1 tsp
• Ground black pepper – 1/2 tsp
• Salt
1. Chaunce on medium high heat the hing, black pepper and coriander in several tablespoons of ghee (or as desired). Add the basil leaves, stir them a few seconds and then immediately add the blended tomatoes.
2. Add the vegetables. 
3. Stir and cover. Cook on medium-low heat until vegetables are tender as desired.  About 45 minutes.. 
4. Add salt, as desired.
By Bhaktin Priya


Author: ISKCON Desire Tree

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