How To Offer Your Food To The Lord ?

How To Offer Your Food To The Lord ?

As you walk down the supermarket aisles selecting the foods you will offer to Krishna, you need to know what is offerable and what is not. In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna states, "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water, I will accept it." From this verse it is understood that we can offer Krishna foods prepared from milk products, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains. Meat, fish, and...

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Eat Drink And Be Sorry

Eat Drink And Be Sorry

Food is Death – Eat drink and be sorry.Food not offered to Krishna is as good as poison.If you try to offer meat fish and eggs to Krishna, beware you will be in deep trouble soon.You have limited choice about what to offer, just offer only pure vegetarian food cooked in a clean atmosphere. Food is Death – Amazing but true, this is what the yogis say. Once I was travelling up a mountain in the area famous for Jim...

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Why Iskcon Devotees Do Not Eat Meat?

Why Iskcon Devotees Do Not Eat Meat?

In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna says that everything we eat should first be offered to Him, and He eats only vegetarian food. Besides that, a vegetarian diet has numerous benefits, not the least of which is compassion for other...

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What is Prasadam?

What is Prasadam?

Offering Food before we eat – Prasadam   Prasadam literally means “mercy” and devotees of ISKCON use this term to describe pure vegetarian food that has been offered to Lord Krishna. Food that has been offered to the Deities in the temple is known as maha-prasadam.   Most Food contains karma which binds us to the cycle of birth and death because although it may be vegetarian one may still harm other living...

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Why Be Vegetarian?

There are so many good reasons for being vegetarian (health, animals, the environment) that a better question might be, "Why NOT be vegetarian?" When you can easily…     * significantly improve your health,     * dramatically reduce your environmental footprint,     * and greatly lessen the suffering of animals   …we might ask instead, "What's stopping you?" :...

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21 Reasons for being Vegetarian

Vegetarianism is the fastest growing trend in the developed world. Here are 20 reasons why you should think about turning green too. 1. Avoiding meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption. Modern farm animals are deliberately fattened up to increase profits. Eating fatty meat increases your chances of having a heart attack or developing cancer. 2. Every minute of every working day, thousands of animals...

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