Zesty Mashed Potatoes

Zesty Mashed Potatoes


Mature potatoes large russets or Idahos, mealy and dry-fleshed, are ideal for mashing. Bake or boil them, mash them while hot, and season, allowing a little “heat” from the green chilies. I sometimes imitate ash-baked flavor by adding a sprinkle of smoked salt rather than using all sea salt. This is a good place to introduce Ginger Ghee or flavored butters.
Preparation time: (after assembling ingredients): a few minutes
• Mature baking potatoes (about 2 pounds/1 kg) Freshly ash-or oven-baked, or freshly boiled or steamed potatoes – 5-6 
• Seasoned or plain butter or ghee – 3-4 table spoons (45-60 ml) 
• Salt – 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 
• Freshly ground pepper – 1/8 teaspoon (0.5 ml) 
• Seeded and minced hot green chilies – 1-2 
• Scalded cream or milk – 3 table spoons (45 ml) 
• Fresh parsley or coriander sprigs for garnishing
1. Cut the warm baked potatoes and scoop out the pulp, or peel the skins from boiled or steamed potatoes. Mash with a potato masher or force through a food mill or potato ricer. Add the remaining ingredients and whisk with a fork until creamy and blended. Serve immediately or keep warm in a double boiler.
By Yamuna Devi Dasi

Author: ISKCON Desire Tree

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