Deep Fried Stuffed Hot Green Chilies

• Hot green jalapeno chilies, each about 2 ½ inches (6.5 cm) long – 12
• Ground mustard – ½ tsp
• Turmeric – ½ tsp
• Salt – ¼ tsp
• Cumin – ¼ tsp
• Garam masala – ¼ tsp
• Chickpea flour – 1 tbsp
• Plain yogurt – 1 tbsp
• Ghee or vegetable oil for deep-frying – 1 cup
1. Wash the chilies and pat them dry. With a sharp paring knife, make a cut from the top to the bottom of each chili, cutting halfway through. Carefully pry out the seeds and membrane, then wash the cavity under running water and pat dry.
2. Combine the mustard, turmeric, salt, cumin, garam masala, chickpea flour and enough yogurt to make a paste. Mix well. Spread the paste evenly into the cavity of each chili.
3. Heat the ghee or oil in a 1-quart/liter saucepan over high heat until it reaches 360 F (180 C) on a deep-frying thermometer. Fry the chilies 4 at a time for 2-3 minutes or until they blister and turn brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
12 Chilies
By Kurma