Rice with Ginger-Seasoned Yogurt
This dish is centuries old and is mentioned in the ancient Vedic texts. It is nutritious and easy to digest. It is served at room temperature or slightly chilled and is good selection on a light summer luncheon menu with any vegetable or salad. It is also good on a dinner menu, because the rice can be cooked and cooled or chilled before hand and finally assembled at the last moment. Preparation time (after assembling...
Double Grilled Paneer Cheese Sandwich
Description The reason it is called "double" grilled is because first you have to grill the paneer separately and then grill the bread separately. Then you are ready to build your sandwich. Ingredients • fresh flat pressed paneer • fresh rosemary • fresh oregano • 2 tbsp ghee • Yeast free Yogurt Bread • lettuce • tomato ...
Homemade Rustic Corn Tortillas
Description Learn a simple method on how to make rustic homemade corn tortillas, Mexican style! Ingredients . 5 cups whole dried corn . 1 cup lime powder (also called pickling lime) . Ghee . Salt Preparation 1. First you will need to soak the corn overnight. Place the corn into a large pot. 2. We will soak the corn in lime, which is a caustic white powder that is used to help burn off the hard skin of the corn and...
Chickpea Curry
Ingredients • Dried chickpeas – 1 1/4 cups • Water – 6 cups • Bayleaf – 1 • The seeds from 4 cardamom pods • Cloves – 6 whole • Black peppercorns – 5 • One 5 cm (2-inch) cinnamon stick, broken into bits • Cumin seeds – 1 tbsp • Ghee or oil – 4 tbsp • Fresh ginger,...
Pumpkin Wafers
You can use any winter squashbutternut, acorn, banana, or Hubbard. Preparation and salting time: 30 minutes Cooking time: about 20 minutes Ingredients • Peeled, seeded pumpkin or squash, cut into wafers ¼ inch (6 mm) thick and 1 ½ inches (4 cm) across – 1 pound (455 g) • Salt – 1 teaspoon (5 ml) • Turmeric – 1 teaspoon (5 ml) • Cayenne...