Vegetable Macaroni and Cheese
Description Here is a very simple and delicious milky pasta dish! Best sattvic Macaroni and Cheese! Ingredients . 2 liter whole milk . 200 grams pasta (your choice) . 5 medium tomatoes . fresh oregano and sage . 1 green chile . 1 tsp fresh ginger . 2 tbsp ghee . 1 carrot . 1 zucchini . 2 tsp salt . 1/4 tsp pepper . 1/2 tsp chili powder . 1/4 tsp hing...
Herbed Cracked Wheat Uppma with fried vegetables
If you have the luxury of a kitchen herb garden, feel free to add your favorites. I enjoy summer savory, coriander, parsley, mint and marjoram. If you must resort to dried herbs, at least feature fresh parsley, a year-round staple even in supermarkets. Cracked wheat and bulgur can be used interchangeably and are available at supermarkets, specialty stores and many co-ops. Bulgur is wheat that ahs been boiled, dried and cracked, with a...
Paneer Alfredo
Ingredients . 6 cups whole milk . 1 cup fresh cow cream . 2 cups cubed paneer . bunch of garden herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano) . 2-3 veggies of your choice (I used chard, zucchini and pumpkin blossoms) . 1 tbsp ghee . 1 1/2 tsp salt . 1 tsp pepper . dash hing (optional) . 250 gram package of dried pasta Preparation 1. First add the cream and milk to a large pot and begin...
All-Homemade Vegetable Cheese Pizza
Description This pizza is really gourmet! The crust is thick, crunchy and fluffy. The sauce is wonderful with a touch of fresh garden herbs. A wonderful dish to offer to Kṛṣṇa! Ingredients Crust: • 1 cup whole wheat flour • 1 cup white flour • 3/4 cup plain yogurt or buttermilk • 1/4 tsp salt • 1/2 tsp baking soda • 1/2 tsp baking powder Fresh Herb Tomato Sauce • 6 small tomatoes...
Easy Chunky Tomato Jalapeno Paneer Soup
Description This soup is really easy to make and extra delicious! I served it with toasted homemade bread smothered in olive oil used for dipping into the soup. Fantastic dish! Ingredients • 5 large tomatoes • 3 jalapenos • 2 zucchini • 1/2 pound fresh chopped paneer • 2 cups whey • 2 tbsp ghee • dash hing • 1/2 tsp dried oregano • 2 tsp salt • 1/4 tsp pepper • 2 tsp...